Scancare programs home page

Slide conversion services



For some of the software programs I've written please refer to the software page. As I'm still working on a variety of other programs, please for more releases and programms to be added within the future...

Tifftags, a program to reviel and retrieve all tiff header information. Use tiff tags to investigate all header information in tiff files.

In version 5, tifftagslister is integrated and in a registered version one could export alle tag header information for all pages to csv format.

Download your copy at Scancare (no installation required. Just unzip and execute).



 PDF PageCount: Count pdf pages without Adobe Acrobat installed !

A new application that counts the pages within pdf files without any need to install any Acrobat products. Download a fully functional copy  here .

The unregistered version is fully functional, but does have a small delay within the startup and between the results. A version without any limitations could be ordered for only 5 euro. More info could be found within the application.



Mouse Actor Recorder:

A program to program yourself some mouse actions . Step by stap the actions could be controlled. Screens are self explaing. Also it is possible to add nummeric keystroked: records could be located via a controller file and tekst/numbers could be added to be pressed.

This is a beta release designed for own use. If you lack some actions, please send a letter.

Mouse Actor Recorder screenshot

At this moment it is a beta program: keyboard strokes (uppercase detection) depends on the current keyboard installed. Nummeric keystrokes works;

Download a fully functional program here

If this application has to be tailered for your whishes , please add some ideas for new features.


Rename files through batch :


Processes files one directory at a time: first bakcup up the extention, then renaming it ro a new name.

V2: ability to add a prefix to a name.

- ability to change the file date to current date.

Download link here

IBANChecker program (freeware)

Check IBAN bank number validation. Prepare for the new IBAN numbers :

Read  iban number or process a list of iban numbers at once. Also ability to perform the 1-proof of bank numbers . Beta version but working....

Download link here

Other programs

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Contact information:

       Andries Bos
The Netherlands
Registrations and new features:
I accept registration fees via snailmail or by Paypal via andriesbos (at) yahoo com
More info or inquiries: Andries Bos